Daniel and I have decided that this year we don't want to do birthday gifts for ourselves. Part of the reason is that we're tired of all the commercialism surrounding birthdays and holidays, the other part is that we've both been feeling like God has been wanting us to take more notice of Christians who are being persecuted. We've been doing a lot of praying, but have been feeling like we need to do more. So, we decided that for this month we're going to take the money we budgeted for my birthday gift and send Bibles to China instead! Now, I'm not telling you all about this to make you think we're awesome or anything, but rather to see if any of you want to join us! So, here's the deal (for all the info, visit
Bibles Unbound):
For $30
Bibles Unbound will send you a box containing 5 New Testaments, packaging supplies and a list of names and addresses for people in China. You then package up the Bibles, say some prayers and send them off! They don't go directly to individuals (for safety reasons), but get sent to a distribution center that sends them off.
So, what do you think? Wanna get in on the fun? It's a great learning opportunity for you kids too ;) The Bibles are $6 each, so if you have $6 or $12 (or even $30!) that you want to add to the fund, let us know. Then when the Bibles arrive, we can all get together and have a Bible packing party!
For my family: I know this is a little to late for some, but if you have yet to get me a birthday gift, this would be a great one! Feel free to take the money you would have used to buy me a gift and add it to the China Bible fund instead =)