Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday Goodness

As I am sure most of you are aware, today was my birthday. Today marks the beginning of the last year of my twenties. Yikes! I'm not bothered by it (yet), but it will be weird to officially move out of the "young mom" category that I've been in since I was 17.

Anyway, we started out the day by sleeping in. Yay! Then I ditched dropped the small ones off with Grandma and headed to lunch at Scratch with my sis-in-law. We had reservations, and it's a good thing too. We were the only ones in the restaurant for quite a while! I decided to be adventurous and get the Fettuccine with duck sausage.

It was super tasty! It was also a ton of food. Like two full meals worth. I think that has helped convince my husband to go there. Almost. I also got a gigantic bowl of huckleberry ice cream =)

After that we head to the salon to get my hair cut. I was in desperate need of a hair cut. I think that it's been somewhere between 18 months to 2 years since I'd last cut my hair. I didn't do anything super drastic, just a trim. Daniel didn't even notice. In his defense though, I don't often wear my hair down ;) I also got a pedicure. The second one of my life lol. Wow, that's sad...I haven't cut my hair in almost 2 years and I've only had 2 pedicures in my life. Oh, well.

The family and I went to a local frozen yogurt place. It was quite the experience. You walk in and there's a wall full of frozen yogurt dispensers. Although that's probably not what they're called, they probably have some fancy name. Anyway, there were probably 10 or so different flavors. The idea is, you grab a container, fill it up with as much frozen yogurt as you as many flavors as you want...then you go to the counter and throw on a ton of toppings. Needless to say the kids had a blast!
While we were driving there, Matthias started shaking his cup that had a bunch of ice in it, Lydia started cracking up! As you may recall, she's not much for laughing. She's been laughing a bit more recently, probably to compete with this cutie who recently came to visit:

Sadly, by the time we got parked, she had slowed down a bit in her laughing, but I was able to get some on video. Of course I was trying to record it while sitting in the front seat, so it's a bit shaky and not centered. But you can hear her laugh at least. Well, when Lydia and Kelsi aren't giggling that is!

2 comments: said...

I love it! What a perfect day - to end with a laugh from little miss Lydia! Sounds like you were treated well! I am looking forward to all of us getting together to celebrate you and Dad's bdays soon!

Melissa said...

so fun that she did that on your birthday!! hope you had a great day!