Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Since we are now in a house, rather than a tiny apartment, we offered to host Thanksgiving this year.  This holiday season we're trying really hard to put Christ back into all our celebrations so we decided that Bible verses about being thankful would be a good start.  So I sent the children to work.

Well, there was some play too ;)

We came up with some fun little cards to put on everyone's plate.  Kelsi came up with the titles, Lydia colored it (well, not mine apparently) and Matthias cut it all out. 

 On the inside they kids each wrote a little note telling the person why they were thankful for them.  Kelsi did great at this, Matthias not so much.  I don't know that he fully understood what we were telling him to do.  He ended up writing some pretty amusing things.  

Speaking of amusing, this is what happens when I try and take pictures of my kids:

I love my goofballs! 

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