Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Great Chicken Bone Experiment

In order to keep some kind of record that I do, in fact, teach my child occasionally, I present to you "The Great Chicken Bone Experiment".  I promise there will be no pictures of chicken feet, there will however be pictures of chicken bones.  Be forewarned ;)

For science we're studying the skeletal system, so we did an experiment to see what would happen to a bone if you took all the calcium out of it.  First we had to make our observations and hypothesis...

Put the chicken bone in a jar...

And cover it with vinegar.

And of course clean up the mess ;)

Then we waited.  We were supposed to wait 3 days but it ended up being 2 weeks.  We're working on our counting skills next.  Just kidding, we all got the plague and so I decided we'd take a 2 week Thanksgiving break!

While we were waiting, Matthias went and joined his Magic Treehouse Book Club.  He was super excited!

Turned out I got the time wrong (stupid time zones) so he had to watch the recording of it.  Perhaps next we will study the rotation of the earth and how it effects time...

Finally, after two weeks of having a chicken bone sit in a jar in my kitchen, it was time to finish the experiment.  We got the tongs ready...

Pulled out the chicken leg...

And look at that strength!

I'm not sure if he was more grossed out or impressed.  But, at least now we know why calcium is so important!


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