A week or two ago I ordered a poetry book for Matthias' home school preschool that we will be starting soon. He loves it! He would sit there and listen to me read it to him all day if I was willing. He's also very proud of himself because he knows that b-i-g spells big. It's quite exciting for him to figure out that all those letter sounds can be put together to make words! Although, he is highly confused by the word book. Sadly, phonics will have to come later =) Since he's started to figure this whole reading thing out, he takes his letter magnets and puts them together trying to make words. It doesn't work to well when the words he tries to build don't have vowels!
Kelsi has her second book club gathering tomorrow at the library. They were supposed to read Marley: A Dog Like No Other this week. She of course finished within a day. The next book they