Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Shirts

The kids got some new shirts from their Grandma last night. They were both pretty excited about them. So, I figured I'd snap a few pictures of them.

Here's K-Lou sporting her new shirt and a goofy grin:

MZ in his new shirt:

And pointing out which bird he is (K-Lou is the pink, MZ is the blue, and Future Baby is yellow):

Of course K-Lou thought she was pretty funny doing the whole bunny ear thing:

And then the two of them sitting nicely together:

And it all went downhill from there...

Well, at least I got managed to get a couple of shots in before they started goofing around!


Melissa said...

when did kelsi get so stinking old???!! love the new layout!

Kathy Spencer said...

What a pair...can't wait to see the trio.