Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today the kids and I made some yummy chocolate peanut butter pie. The kiddos love helping me "cook", and Kelsi especially likes to use the mixer! I seem to have passed on the love of our Kitchen Aid mixer, it's not as pretty as Alton Brown's, but we thoroughly enjoy it =) And now, the pictures:

From Makin' Pie

Kelsi got to use the food processor for the first time!

From Makin' Pie

Matthias wasn't too sure if it was a good idea.

From Makin' Pie

Mixing sure is hard work!

From Makin' Pie

Love the Kitchen Aid =)

From Makin' Pie

Kelsi's arms aren't long enough to reach around back!

From Makin' Pie

Matthias wants a turn!

From Makin' Pie

Time for a short break, gotta get all that "whipped topping" off the lid (don't worry, they washed their hands several times while making the pie!).

From Makin' Pie

Say "cheese"!

From Makin' Pie

No chocolate peanut butter pie is complete without chocolate chips!

From Makin' Pie

Kelsi said, "The best part about cooking is licking the bowl!". So true, Kelsi. So true.

From Makin' Pie

Good stuff!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

yum!! i made that last week and it didn't last long around here!!! hope you made that to bring tonight...